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Latest BFA articles

Agency Express

Agency Express Makes It To BFA’s Franchisor Of The Year Finals

Driver Hire

BFA ‘Franchisor Of The Year’ Nominee Driver Hire Does It Again

Mulit unit franchisees

Multi-Unit Franchising: What's the Magic Number?

Becoming a Master Franchisee

Becoming a Master Franchisee

British Franchise Association QFP qualification

Advantages of Becoming a BFA-Qualified Franchise Professional

bfa-approved franchise

The 6 Benefits of Choosing a BFA-Approved Franchise


Wimpy’s UK Comeback

Hillarys Blinds

A Fresh New Start For Hillarys

BFA prospect franchisee certificate

What is the BFA prospect franchisee certificate?

BFA Seminar Guide

The Benefits of Attending a BFA Franchise Seminar

Driver Hire

Driver Hire Sweep Away Silver Medal At BFA Awards

Marks and Spencer

M&S Partners With Breast Cancer Now

Papa John's plans new outlets

BlueBird Wins at BFA Awards