Sports Xtra wins Welsh fun award
Sophie Cole, writer
Published at 22/12/2018, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 1 min
Sports Xtra is recognised as one of the best providers of fun sporting activities in Wales.
Sports Xtra has been recognised for its fun and inclusive programme that lets children across the UK take part in exciting sports sessions.
The franchise won the Fun Football Provider of the Year award at the FA Wales Grassroots Football Awards 2018, which celebrates small and local organisations that do great things for the popular sport. The award was presented at Cardiff City Stadium just before the Wales vs Denmark game and during the presentation the Gwent location was highlighted as being a standout branch of the sports franchise.
Rob Oyston and Alex Lock of Sports Xtra collected the award, which was presented by Wales Deaf Futsal captain Sam Evans. The franchise was recognised for its commitment to supporting all children who want to take part in fun sporting activities, including those with disabilities and impairments that affect their sporting abilities. The Gwent branch in South Wales received special praise as it was nominated by lots of parents as a fantastic place to take their children.
Speaking about why they thought the Gwent branch was worthy of nomination, one parent said:
“Their innovative themed sessions are the very essence of what fun football is all about. My three-year-old son looks forward to Saturday morning all week. It's even engaging for the parents. They care about giving every young person an enjoyable sporting experience and go out of their way to develop programmes to suit all abilities and interests. Jordan has helped my son boost his confidence and self-esteem.”
Sports Xtra has more than 50 franchises across the UK and Asia. It teaches children the importance of making sport a priority in their lives. By encouraging them to enjoy being active from an early age, the franchise hopes to make children realise the physical and mental benefits of playing sports.

Sports Xtra
We’re not just a franchise, we are a group with one aim: to help increase physical activity amongst children.
Sophie Cole, writer