Razzamataz roars for West End star
Sophie Cole, writer
Published at 04/09/2019, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 2 min
Razzamataz Carlisle welcomed one of the stars of The Lion King to its session to share her top tips with its students.
Razzamataz welcomed a star of the West End to its classes in Carlisle to give students a look into what life’s really like in the performing arts world.
Tamara McKoy-Patterson has been part of the cast of The Lion King on London’s illustrious West End stages and was a dancer in the smash hit film Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again last year. She treated the students at Razzamataz Carlisle to a workshop themed around The Lion King, which saw them learn some of the famous songs and dances from the beloved musical.
Speaking about the workshop, Tamara said:
“The Lion King is a wonderful show where children can examine the motivation and development behind each character. The music is world famous and the story resonates with every age group, making them laugh and cry in equal measures. As well as it being lots of fun, the story has many positive messages for children, and it was a pleasure to share them with the students of Razzamataz.”
The workshop came as part of a week-long focus on dance drama for the students of the education franchise. The principal of Razzamataz Carlisle, Debbie Mitchell, thanked Tamara and all of the other guests who attended for their time.
“All the guest teachers who come to put on workshops are very generous with their time and give the students the opportunity to ask questions about working in the industry. Not only does this give our students practical advice, but it is also very inspirational to have this level of support available.”
She explained why Razzamataz’s classes are so beneficial for students.
“The performing arts are a lovely way for children to improve their confidence, make new friends and have lots of fun and we hope that with our classes in dance, drama and singing, we can inspire children to take part in the summer school even if they have never had any performing arts training before.”

One of the top providers in theatre education in the UK
Sophie Cole, writer