Merry Maids helps WFH employees keep their spaces spick and span
Cara Squires, writer
Published at 13/02/2022, Updated on 14/02/2022 , Reading time: 2 min
The expert franchise recently shared some advice for ensuring your workspace is clean and tidy - because when you’re the only one seeing it, you’re also the only one cleaning it.
In the words of Merry Maids, “Whether you’re commuting to a home office, kitchen table or bedroom, keeping your workspace clean and tidy can help your productivity and mood, as well as reduce the spread of COVID-19. As a result, the cleaning experts at Merry Maids have put together a list of simple things you can do to tidy up your at-home workspace.” The cleaning franchise’s list of things went as follows:
Clean your desk (frequently) - Your desk “sees a lot of traffic from your hands, papers and stationary”, and the average desk contains “more germs than a toilet seat”. Clean well, and clean frequently with “antibacterial spray and a damp cloth”.
Rid your desk of marks/damage - A hardwood desk that’s been marked or damaged can actually be cleaned up/fixed with “bicarbonate of soda and a damp cloth”, used to scrub marks away. A “clean tennis ball” might also work!
Rid your desk of watermarks - “Water rings from cups of tea and other beverages can be an eyesore and foster germs. You can remove them by turning a hair dryer onto a high setting and pointing it directly at the mark. Voila, water rings vanished!”
Avoid eating at your desk - It’s easy to “forget to take time away from your desk to eat”, but for reasons of health and cleanliness, it’s not a good idea. As Merry Maids put it, “You should be leaving your desk/screen for at least five minutes every hour [and] food can easily fall into your keyboard, fostering germs and odour.”
Clean your keyboard - Turn it all off, flip it over to dislodge crumbs/debris, hoover up remaining debris “lingering in between the keys” using “the duster appliance on your vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air”, lightly sanitise the keys with an anti-bacterial wipe.
Clean your computer screen - The screen is “home to a surprising amount of dirt and grime as a potentially high touchpoint area”. Use a dry, clean and lint-free cloth to clean the screen (making sure it’s off before you get started), and use anti-bacterial wipes (again with a light hand - you’re dealing with electronics).
Clean your office chair - “Your office chair follows the same principle as your desk, but when upholstered can be even more stained and more difficult to clean. To give it a proper clean, your best option is normally to start by vacuuming it to get rid of dust and hair, and then follow up with a damp cloth or an antibacterial wipe to disinfect it.” Do this regularly, too.
Find out more about a potential franchise investment with this informed, customer-focused cleaning company via Merry Maids’ profile page, linked above.

Merry Maids
Merry Maids is more than just a cleaning franchise.
Cara Squires, writer