Kumon gives next generation a boost
Sophie Cole, writer
Kumon’s educational programme is now seeing parents that attended its classes bringing along their own kids,
Kumon’s new opening at the Riverdale Y Centre in New York is attracting the next generation of learners after their parents’ positive experiences. In an article for the Riverdale Press, parent Daniel Suh said this his positive experiences of the education franchise encouraged him to take his son along for some extra-curricular help. Despite his experiences with the company being some 20 years ago in South Korea, it had a huge impact on his life.
“I had a great experience. At the time, I was probably fighting it, but I think I benefited from it.”
Suh’s son Nathan is young, but he explained that supplementary educational programmes like Kumon are important as they build a strong academic foundation for children and give their lives structure. He added that Nathan himself enjoys the programme, which helps children with Maths and English skills, saying:
“He always says he wants to do Kumon. For a lot of parents, (Kumon has) been around for many years, so you know it’s very organized, systematic and consistent.”
Kumon educator Gabriel Arias, who runs classes at the centre, said that he loves helping children with their educational needs and explained how Kumon’s challenging classes push children to achieve.
“This is not a normal school, it’s quick. I was a Kumon student for a long time, and it’s very helpful. I would say that the work ethic forces you to be on top of your homework.”
Founded in Japan in 1958 by gifted maths teacher Toru Kumon, Kumon is one of the world’s leading supplementary education providers. With more than 24,000 centres across 50 countries, including more than 600 franchised locations in the UK alone, its helped thousands of children to achieve their academic potential.
Multinational educational institution renowned for using the Kumon Method in their practice
Sophie Cole, writer