Dunkin’ Donuts veteran celebrates 90th birthday
Sophie Cole, writer
Published at 08/11/2018, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 1 min
An employee of a Pennsylvania Dunkin’ Donuts is still going strong despite just turning 90 years old.
A Dunkin’ Donuts employee has been serving customers for more than 30 years and isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon, despite celebrating her 90th birthday last month.
Gladys Murphy, of Hermitage, Pennsylvania, joined her local branch of Dunkin’ Donuts in 1985 when the donut franchise was still called Mister Donut. Now, she’s been serving the brand’s signature donuts and coffee for more than three decades, explaining that she’s kept her job for so long simply because she loves it.
“I enjoy the people. That’s why I’ve continued to work when I really shouldn’t, probably,” Murphy laughed.
She added that everyone should try and find something they really enjoy doing, putting her incredibly long service down to the fact that she genuinely enjoys serving her community at Dunkin’ Donuts. She admits that, despite the fact that some days have brought tasks that were not as enjoyable as others, she always gives her all to her work.
"I've always done my best, whether I liked it or not, and I think that's what you have to do. If you don't like what you're doing, then quit.”
Murphy quipped that not much has changed in her time at Dunkin’ Donuts, except for the fact that she now has a few more aches and pains to contend with. When asked how she’s managed to live such a long and healthy life, as many 90-year olds simply wouldn’t have the energy to continue working every day, Murphy admitted she didn’t have a secret. However, her outlook on life is one to be admired, as she shared one of her favourite sayings that encourages her to get the most out of every day.
"Live for today, you know. Tomorrow is always going to come."

Dunkin' Donuts
Dunkin' Donuts offers finest coffee and delicious donuts all over the world.
Sophie Cole, writer