Concept Building Solutions outlines a day in the life
Sophie Cole, writer
Concept Building Solutions has shared what a typical day for its franchisees looks like to show how flexible the opportunity could be.
One of Concept Building Solutions franchisees has shared what a day in his life looks like so that those considering the opportunity can learn more about how flexible the opportunity is.
The unnamed franchisee explained that after a short commute (from bed to his desk) he begins checking emails and working out the appointments for the day ahead. If the weather’s nice, he takes work outside and sorts out the day’s calls and emails while enjoying the sun in the garden.
Taking to the road at 10am, the franchisee then heads to meetings with loss adjusters and clients who have claims. In between meetings, he even has time for a cup of coffee with his daughter, showing just how flexibly the insurance franchise can be run.
Mid-afternoon, the franchisee meets with his colleague, Bernie, to go through schedules for the coming weeks and discussing upcoming meetings and jobs to ensure they’re both prepared for the work ahead. He explained that the two will often catch up with other franchisees during this time, giving them a chance to talk about best practice when running their businesses.
By 6pm, the day is done and the franchisee heads to the driving range to unwind and hit a few balls. He even explained how he regularly makes time to play a few holes to properly relax. At around 8:30pm, the franchisee rounds off the day by glancing through his emails to check if anything urgent has come in and to plan how they next day will look. He concluded by saying that every day is different and running a Concept Building Solutions franchise is certainly never boring.
If that sounds like your kind of day, learn more about the opportunity right here.
Concept Claim Solutions
Your excellent opportunity to run a professional, time flexible and lucrative professional services business from home, from one of the most recognised and trusted brands in the industry.
Sophie Cole, writer