Turning a passion for care into a rewarding business
Jakob Pii, writer
Published at 25/11/2022, Updated on 25/11/2022 , Reading time: 3 min
**I fell in love with homecare as a postgraduate student. Now as a [Walfinch homecare](/franchise/walfinch) franchisee I’m running a thriving business in a sector that I love.**
Bunmi Ganiyu came to the UK from Nigeria to study marketing at Edinburgh Napier University. Bunmi says: “I did not start out with any thoughts of a career in the care sector but while studying I took a job as a healthcare assistant. I soon discovered that I loved the work. Making my clients happy made me happy – and it still does.
“Even today, as the franchisee Managing Director of Walfinch Edinburgh South, I still love chatting to our clients when I go out doing spot checks. The rewards in this sector are wonderful.”
The reward
Bunmi who was recently awarded Walfinch’s ‘fastest growing franchisee’ award, frequently hears gratifying stories from clients and their families. “Recently we took on a new client, a Pakistani Muslim lady, whose family had been caring for her themselves. Realising that they needed extra help they engaged us, but they were a bit concerned about what it would be like.”
Bunmi sent two of her team: a Muslim lady, and Joseph, a Christian man. “She always greets the lady with “As-salaam alaikum” \[The traditional greeting among Muslims that means peace be with you\],“ says Bunmi. Joseph explained that she could call him Joseph, as the name is rendered in the Bible, or Yusuf, as the name is rendered in the Quran.
She helps the lady with exercises and goes the extra mile by reading parts of the Quran to her. “The lady says it brings back happy memories for her,” says Bunmi.
Meanwhile, her family told Bunmi it was the last thing they expected. “They were unaware that such culturally appropriate care would be available” she says.
How I got into a care career
Once Bunmi completed her Postgraduate in Marketing, she stayed in Scotland. “After that I tried to get jobs in marketing, but it wasn’t working out, so I used my care experience to get a job as care co-ordinator,” she says. “It meant office work, but it also meant getting out to see the clients, a combination I enjoyed.”
Why the Walfinch franchise?
Three years ago Bunmi decided that she wanted to use her expertise and energy to start her own business in the home care sector. “I concluded that a franchise was the way to go, because you get the benefits of the franchisor’s experience and their extra support.
“I did lots of research and chose Walfinch because I felt that their support would be good. I was right – they helped me find funding for me to start Walfinch Edinburgh South and have provided great support throughout.”
Growing her business
Bunmi has recently recruited six new carers for her team – not easy in today’s market, when carers are hard to find. Her secret?
“Referrals,” she says. “I generate referrals from carers’ family and friends, which I like because you have a connection to the candidate before you start. That said, Walfinch can also provide a lot of help with recruitment, along with support on other issues.”
Among Bunmi’s team are some students working around their studies, as she did. “I don’t think any of them have an ambition to get into the care sector right now – but then neither did I until I fell in love with it. They may come back to it later, as I did, because it’s a sector that welcomes people with a passion for care,” says Bunmi.
“If you have the commitment and energy to work in the homecare sector, Walfinch supports you to build a thriving business that delivers huge rewards and a good living.”
Contact Walfinch Here

**START A THRIVING HOMECARE FRANCHISE WITH WALFINCH** **Who is Walfinch?** Walfinch is a homecare services provider that champions an active lifestyle so that everyone can look forward to their next chapter, whatever support they need. Via our network of franchisees and their carers, Walfinch offers all kinds of care. From weekly visits to live-in care, from companionship to complex care for conditions such as dementia, multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke rehabilitation, care after physical injuries, temporary respite care and more. Not only do we provide exceptional care at home, but we also want to see everyone thrive, not just survive, that’s why our carers help our clients to get more out of life. Whether small steps or giant leaps, we aim to help everyone enjoy more activity, safely in their homes or further afield, for as long as possible. From the NHS to Age UK, many experts report that as little as ten minutes activity a day can make a world of difference. That’s why we say, it’s time to thrive.
Jakob Pii, writer