Really Awesome Coffee Bridgwater - Chris Kamin
Jakob Pii, writer
Published at 09/11/2022, Updated on 09/11/2022 , Reading time: 1 min
On his third attempt, Chris finally retired from his role of 30 years as a head teacher. “This was made easier with the lure of a shiny new toy - a Really Awesome Coffee Mobile Cafe!” he said.
Here he tells us more about how it has been going since she launched her Really Awesome Coffee van in Bridgwater.
Please tell us a bit about yourself and what you were doing prior to becoming a Really Awesome Franchisee?
In education for 30 years as a teacher, Headteacher. Moved to Somerset from London, married Jools - have two daughters (at University and Year 10)
Why did you decide to run your own business and why Really Awesome Coffee specifically?
My wife Jools and I toyed with the idea of a Coffee/Tea shop many years ago but the onset of major Coffee chains put us off. Bizarrely, Jools was sitting in a Costa and saw a van outside, she called me and we started our Franchise story from there!
Tell us a bit about your training at Head Office and your business launch.
The training was fantastic - learning is in my nature and this was all new. We felt like part of a larger family and was made very welcome. Very nervous during the launch but good support has allowed me to grow in confidence. Customers love the idea, love the coffee and generally look forward to a visit.
How have you found the ongoing training and support?
Everyone has been brilliant and always at the end of a phone
What is the most invaluable piece of advice you could give someone looking to invest in their first franchise?
Don't just do something, find what you want to do then go for it!
Contact Really Awesome Coffee Here

Really Awesome Coffee
The fastest growing mobile coffee franchise in the UK – beat the competition on the high street and take the coffee shop to your customers.
Jakob Pii, writer