Metro Plumb’s parent company pleased with its progress in 2021
Lily Sweeney, writer
Published at 31/07/2021, Updated on 30/07/2021 , Reading time: 1 min
In a recent interview, Franchise Brands Executive Chairman Stephen Hemsley discussed Metro Plumb’s success in 2021, even through the COVID lockdown in the first quarter.
After a difficult and unpredictable year in business, things are looking up for Metro Plumb. The plumbing franchise’s parent company is Franchise Brands, and recently, the Executive Chairman of Franchise Brands, Stephen Hemsley, sat down and discussed Metro Plumb’s performance across the year so far, along with the overall performance of all brands under the company umbrella.
In conversation with Sarah Lowther, Stephen expressed that, “I think the first half of this year was a recovery from the COVID-impacted first half of last year. [...] While we had the Q1 lockdown, it was nowhere near as severe - and didn’t impact our business so much.” This is fantastic news for Metro Plumb, as the company has successfully battled through an unprecedented time in order to return to an upward trajectory by the mid-year mark.
Stephen went on to express, “We do feel that all divisions of the business are trading well, all our plans for them are being executed very well. We see a good flight path for those businesses for the rest of the year and beyond. The businesses have improved month by month [since the Q1 lockdown].” Stephen sees this pattern continuing, and is “very confident about the upturn of this year”.
If you’d like to become a part of the plumbing franchise that has well and truly demonstrated its ability to survive and thrive, even in challenging financial circumstances, you can become a Metro Plumb franchisee by making a minimum initial investment of £5,000, with a total investment amount of £10,000. You’ll also need an NVQ Level 2 in Plumbing, or demonstrable practical experience, and you can find out more about Metro Plumb via its profile page, linked above.

Metro Plumb
Why Start From Scratch When a Franchise is Ready to go, Metro Plumb franchise is a great way to fast track that process, with all the business functions and support you need to get off to a flying start!
Lily Sweeney, writer