Kip McGrath gets green fingers
Sophie Cole, writer
Published at 20/11/2018, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 1 min
Kip McGrath has been supporting a local community project aiming to help flowers bloom in a Norwich community.
Kip McGrath has helped to fund and given its support to an ambitious community project that saw more than 18,000 bulbs planted across a Norwich estate.
The initiative was started by the King’s Community Church in Norwich as a way to cheer up the local area and lots of people from across the Mile Cross estate joined in with the bulb-planting project. It was kicked off by the enthusiastic children of Mile Cross Primary school, who planted lots of bulbs outside their school.
On Saturday October 20th, King’s Community Church hosted a community planting event, which saw more people come together under the direction of horticultural expert Phil Howard to plant the 18,000 bulbs. There were also refreshments available, as well as the chance for participants to get involved in some flower-related crafts.
Local businesses including tutoring franchise Kip McGrath backed the scheme, and without their help it might not have been possible to plant such an incredible number of bulbs. Owner Jamie Lotinga decided to get involved after hearing about the fantastic community project and donated money to the church so that it could expand the scheme as widely as possible.
With more than 560 education centres across the globe, Kip McGrath is one of the largest tutoring franchises in the world. Its programmes focus on both maths and English skills and aim to complement school curriculums, as well as boosting children’s self-esteem, confidence and academic ability. Each child undergoes an assessment prior to beginning their learning programme to find out exactly how they can get the most out of their Kip McGrath tutoring, which is suitable for children from the age of four right up to university age.

Kip McGrath
Kip McGrath has been in the education business for the last 40 years.
Sophie Cole, writer