Go M.A.D. Thinking reveals 3 ways to improve employee wellbeing
Lily Sweeney, writer
Published at 07/11/2021, Updated on 05/11/2021 , Reading time: 1 min
The business coaching franchise explained how team leaders can improve workplace wellbeing among employees using these proven techniques.
Go M.A.D. Thinking has been around for 24 years, and continues to share its fantastic knowledge with business clients across the UK who are willing to listen, learn and benefit. Recently, the business coaching franchise shared its top three suggestions for improving employee wellbeing and making the workplace a better, brighter and more positive place to be.
In the words of Go M.A.D., “Wellbeing of employees can positively impact on organisational performance and it is intrinsically linked with employee engagement. The Oxford English Dictionary defines wellbeing as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy”. When you consider that employee engagement is often used interchangeably with employee happiness, commitment, job satisfaction, and internal communication, the relationship between the two is clear.”
The first way to improve employee wellbeing was by giving a reason why. By “ensuring that all employees understand” the reason the company exists, the role it plays in society, and the “significance their individual role has within the workplace and wider society”. The second was to define your focus. Whether that’s with regards to the missions of your company, or the “parameters of an individual’s job role” and “performance expectations”. Clear definition and understanding of what’s expected “will prove beneficial to engagement”, according to Go M.A.D. Thinking.
Third and finally, the franchise recommended that you share responsibilities evenly within your organisation to boost wellbeing and foster commitment to the job. This culture can be created by “building personal responsibility into values and competency frameworks”, “introducing the word ‘choice’ into more meetings”, “ensuring employees understand their individual role in achieving the end goal” and “engaging and involving people in creating your desired future”. Find out more about a potential investment with Go M.A.D. Thinking via its profile page, which you’ll discover linked above.

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Lily Sweeney, writer