Fresh Subway About To Open
Published at 16/04/2018, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 2 min
Subway is opening a new set of doors in the Brookfield Development at the Four Corners landmark.
A landmark and a milestone are colliding with the opening of a Subway. Once its doors open, the new outlet will mark a milestone in the revitalisation of the Four Corners landmark, which is seeing a whole new development, Brookfield Village, take shape.
Four Corners, aptly named because it is the point at which Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet, is experiencing huge change. It is being regenerated with a new complex named Brookfield Village. It will bring a new streetscape and retail stores to the area.
The Subway owners opening the branch, Mindy and Ashwin Patel, already run an outlet up the road from the development. They are simply moving premises to this new complex as it is set to be the most popular place to eat, shop and relax in the area. It also means the Patels will have more space as it will be 300 sq ft longer than their current location, providing more space for diners to eat.
The opening of the new Subway marks the nearing completion of phase one of the development. Phase two includes demolishing old buildings, including the building that the Patel’s Subway is currently in, to make room for new ones.
This move gave the Patels an opportunity to transform their outlet. The new one will be the first in Connecticut to have the brand’s ‘fresh forward’ design, which includes a fresh vegetable display, a four-screen digital menu, USB charging points in the dining area and free WiFi for diners to enjoy.
According to John Palumbo, director of construction for Subway, “it’s like a Subway you’ve never seen before”. While Chris Faulo, a business consultant for Subway, said, “it’s the Subway of the future. Just the refreshed design will bring in more customers”. There may also be some new menu choices to accompany the design, but that is still speculation at this point.
Mindy Patel is pleased about the new opportunity for her restaurant as she states, “we are loving the new changes in the Subway outlook and are hoping to broaden our customer base and get even more involved in the community”.

With over 2,500 stores in the UK and Ireland and more than 43,000 stores in over 110 countries, Subway® is now the largest quick service food outlet in the world.