Cash Converters brings boost to struggling high street
Sophie Cole, writer
Published at 27/07/2018, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 1 min
Cash Converters has opened its second Dundee store on the struggling high street of Lochee.
Pawnbroker and second-hand retailer Cash Converters has opened its second store in Dundee. The new store, which will be located on Lochee High Street, will take the place of the Santander. It’s hoped it will provide a welcome boost to the struggling high street, which has seen a few of its key players close in recent months.
As well as attracting more people to the area, the second Cash Converters store will increase jobs for local residents and give everyone the opportunity to snap up cut-price goods.
Shaz Sardar, owner of both Dundee stores, explained why he chose to open his second store in Lochee. “I chose the location in Lochee because I wanted to be involved in its regeneration. A toy superstore has opened around the corner from where our new shop is, too, so hopefully this is the start of a new era of prosperity for the area. The first Dundee store has been a big success and I wanted to expand. I had the opportunity to open a new store outside of the city. However, I was born here, so I wanted to invest in Dundee.”
Cash Converters also offers loan services to customers looking for a temporary cash injection, and a spokesperson for the franchise said: “The store is keen to support the area’s regeneration and will additionally be rolling out innovative instore activity in the coming months to support the local area and local charities as is standard with all Cash Converter stores around the UK.”
Since launching its UK operations in 1991, Cash Converters has expanded across the country. It’s committed to responsible trading and works with the police and other agencies to ensure all of its second hand and pawned goods have come from legitimate sources.

Cash Converters
Cash Converters UK Ltd is a retailer of pre-owned goods
Sophie Cole, writer