Latest Franchising 101 / Getting started articles

Mythbusters: There Is No Innovation in Franchising

Mythbusters: There Is No Innovation in Franchising

One of the most common misconceptions about franchising is that there’s no room for innovation. In this article, we debunk this myth and use [...]

History of Franchising: What We Can Learn From the World's Oldest Franchises

History of Franchising: What We Can Learn From the World's Oldest Franchises

You might think of franchising as being a fairly new concept, but some businesses in the industry have been in operation since the 19th [...]

Get Yourself Ready to Invest in a Franchise in 12 Months

Get Yourself Ready to Invest in a Franchise in 12 Months

If the franchise world appeals to you, but you don’t feel ready to become a franchisee just yet, we can help. Below are some steps you can [...]

The 3 Primary Types of Franchise Systems

The 3 Primary Types of Franchise Systems

Did you know there’s more than one type of franchise system? Here in the UK, most franchises use one of three formats: the business format [...]

Understanding the Franchising Code of Conduct

Understanding the Franchising Code of Conduct

  Have you heard of the Franchising Code of Ethical Conduct? Developed by the British Franchise Association, the Code promotes ethical, [...]

The Definition of a Franchise Today

The Definition of a Franchise Today

You’ve heard the term franchise thrown around, but do you know its definition? In this article, we’re going to explain the difference between [...]

4 Elements of a Successful Franchise

4 Elements of a Successful Franchise

There isn’t one recipe for a successful franchise, but many of the world’s biggest and most successful franchises have lots of things in [...]

Easy Hacks to Solve These 4 Common Business Pain Points

Easy Hacks to Solve These 4 Common Business Pain Points

If you’re constantly blighted by the same business pain points, it can divert your attention from growing your franchise. In this article, [...]

5 Tips for Overcoming Franchise Legal Issues During Tough Times

5 Tips for Overcoming Franchise Legal Issues During Tough Times

Tough times have the potential to uncover the ugly side of every relationship – including the one you’ve got with your franchisor. But if [...]

The 7 Building Blocks of Franchising

The 7 Building Blocks of Franchising

Today, we take you back to basics and outline the building blocks of franchising. If you’re considering investing in a franchise, you can use [...]

5 Common Sources of Franchise Conflict

5 Common Sources of Franchise Conflict

Want to minimise disruption to your business? Check out these five common sources of franchise conflict so you can work to prevent them before [...]

5 Most Common (But Unfounded) Excuses for Not Starting a Franchise

5 Most Common (But Unfounded) Excuses for Not Starting a Franchise

Many aspiring entrepreneurs dream of becoming their own boss, but often find a reason to stop themselves taking the next step. If this sounds [...]

Franchising 101: How Franchising Began

Franchising 101: How Franchising Began

The franchise model provides an incredibly popular way of building a successful business in record time – but have you ever wondered how [...]

Mythbusters: Running a Franchise Will Automatically Make You Rich

Mythbusters: Running a Franchise Will Automatically Make You Rich

For first-time franchisees, there can be a substantial amount of ambiguity and misleading information when it comes to choosing a franchise [...]

Franchising 101: Can You Terminate a Franchise Agreement Early?

Franchising 101: Can You Terminate a Franchise Agreement Early?

Franchises are complex business models and it can take a while to get your head around all the technicalities surrounding it. So, let’s [...]

What’s the Difference Between Franchising and (Brand) Licensing? (And How to Choose...

What’s the Difference Between Franchising and (Brand) Licensing? (And How to Choose...

Business development and growth can be achieved through franchising or brand licensing. As both routes allow you to expand your business while [...]

Point Franchise Infographic

Point Franchise Infographic

Franchising in the UK in 5 statistics! Are you thinking of becoming your own boss and starting a franchise in the UK in 2020? See our [...]

What Should You Choose: Franchise vs Joint Venture?

What Should You Choose: Franchise vs Joint Venture?

Franchise vs joint venture… many people are confused about the differences between the two business models. In this article, we delve [...]

Franchising 101: What is a Franchisor?

Franchising 101: What is a Franchisor?

If you’re new to franchising and aren’t quite sure what a franchisor is, this article is your go-to guide. Or, if you are a current business [...]

Mythbusters: You Can’t Be Autonomous

Mythbusters: You Can’t Be Autonomous

  Our Mythbusters series focuses on clarifying any misconceptions you may have about starting a franchise. In this article, we focus on [...]

Mythbusters: You Need to Be an Expert

Mythbusters: You Need to Be an Expert

  The mythbuster series tackles any misconceptions people tend to have about starting a franchise. In this article, we’re going to [...]

Mythbusters: You’re Guaranteed to Succeed

Mythbusters: You’re Guaranteed to Succeed

In the Mythbuster Series, we tackle the misconceptions surrounding starting a franchise and tell you what the reality really is. In this [...]

Mythbusters: You Have No Room for Creativity

Mythbusters: You Have No Room for Creativity

The myth-busting series is back to debunk more ideas you may have about franchising. We discuss ideas people have about franchises that aren’t [...]

Mythbusters: You Have to Make a Huge Investment

Mythbusters: You Have to Make a Huge Investment

  In our myth-busting series, we tackle all the myths you may have heard about starting a franchise. In this article, we focus on the [...]

Franchising 101: 5 Facts About Franchisee Income

Franchising 101: 5 Facts About Franchisee Income

Every prospective franchisee wants to know how much money they’ll make once their business is up and running. So, let’s learn more about [...]

Franchising 101: 4 Advantages of a Pilot Franchise

Franchising 101: 4 Advantages of a Pilot Franchise

Franchising is a fantastic way to expand a business – but not every organisation is suited to the franchise model. That’s why we recommend you [...]

Franchising 101: 6 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Franchise Lawyer

Franchising 101: 6 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Franchise Lawyer

Considering buying a franchise but don’t want the extra cost of hiring a franchise lawyer? Think again… Buying a franchise is a huge [...]

Franchising 101: 10 Things You Must Know About Franchise Agreements

Franchising 101: 10 Things You Must Know About Franchise Agreements

Before you can kickstart your franchising journey you need to make sure that the franchise agreement you’re signing meets your [...]

Mythbusters: Franchising Isn't a Legitimate Business Opportunity

Mythbusters: Franchising Isn't a Legitimate Business Opportunity

  In this article series, we look at some of the most common myths circulating in the franchising world. First up: you may have heard the [...]

Franchising 101: The Definitive Franchise Due Diligence Checklist

Franchising 101: The Definitive Franchise Due Diligence Checklist

Buying a franchise is a huge decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. How you approach the process will dictate whether your business [...]