Nicholas Humphreys franchisee gets off to flying start

Sophie Cole, writer

Published at 08/03/2019, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 1 min

Nicholas Humphreys has been looking back on the amazing start one of its star franchisees got off to last year.

Estate agency franchise Nicholas Humphreys has shared the story of one of its 2018 success stories to inspire those considering joining the franchise with what it’s possible to achieve.

Last March, Ben Lacey, Managing Director of the Portsmouth franchise, shared his experience of how the beginning of his franchising journey was going so far. Even though he was just three months in, which can be a tricky and uncertain time when you’re establishing your own business, he reported fantastic success and said that he was enjoying the experience of becoming a franchisee very much.

Completing his undergraduate degree in Business Management and going on to do a masters in Human Resources, Lacey had all the skills needed to become a successful Nicholas Humphreys franchisee. Although many of the businesses’ franchisees don’t progress to higher education level and still flourish, Lacey put his education to good use and got stuck straight in to business.

He explained why he chose Nicholas Humphreys and outlined his goals for the future.

“I chose Nicholas Humphreys because of the level of support provided, and because of the knowledge that the franchise team have. I want Nicholas Humphreys in Portsmouth to be the go-to agents for landlords looking to find tenants for their student properties! Once I’ve established the business in Portsmouth my aim is to expand into other territories and eventually start to acquire properties and create my own portfolio.”

Lacey got off to an impressive start, hitting the £10,000 income mark easily within three months of his branch’s opening. He also managed to rake in a fantastic £5,000 during just his second month in business, showing the franchisee clearly has the sales skills to make his business a success.

Nicholas Humphreys Estate Agent

Nicholas Humphreys Estate Agent

Student and Professional Lettings, Property Management, Residential and Investment Sales. We provide a heavily supported 3 month training and launch period to all franchisees.

Sophie Cole, writer

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About Nicholas Humphreys Estate Agent

Nicholas Humphreys Estate Agent

Student and Professional Lettings, Property Management, Residential and Investment Sales. We provide a heavily supported 3 month training and launch period to all franchisees.

  • £10
    Minimum investment
Nicholas Humphreys Estate Agent
Nicholas Humphreys Estate Agent