Mother Nature Science releases official coronavirus statement
Becky Martin, writer
Published at 02/04/2020, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 2 min
With the coronavirus outbreak in full force, Mother Nature Science has released an official statement.
With schools across the country being closed and us all being instructed to stay at home, Mother Nature science has unfortunately had to cancel all events apart from parties. But it’s hoping to return to business on 20 April 2020 and is planning to run May-Half-Term Summer Holiday Camps and Summer Term Science Clubs as usual. However, this will depend on government advice at the time, so it’s best to check back nearer the time.
Mother Nature Science has shared an update of the actions it will be taking in future holiday camps with its parent community.
**“Safeguarding your children and the wider community is our highest priority. Therefore, we are taking the necessary precautions and putting in place some additional measures, in line with guidance from Public Health England (PHE) and the NHS, to ensure the greatest protection and reassurance, to all our parents, children and staff.”**
This is a summary of Mother Nature Science’s ‘All Events Immediate Action Plan (Camps, Parties, Clubs and Workshops) – Post-Return to Business’. You can see the full version on its website here.
- Continue to follow stringent hygiene practices and encourage children to be aware of the “catch it, bin it, kill it” campaign.
- Enacting PHE guidance – staff, parents and students returning from travel in affected regions and/or who may have been exposed to the virus do not attend.
- More staff training and awareness around best health and hygiene practices.
- Implement good hygiene best practice procedures for camp attendees (hand cleaning is scheduled five times throughout the day).
- Working with host School Venue Partner contacts to make sure we’re up to date with relevant local knowledge.
- Any child that shows signs of coronavirus will be immediately isolated and parents – and maybe the NHS – will be contacted.
- The number of children per holiday camp will be limited to 20.
- The first section of sessions will now be about viruses and the importance of washing hands.
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Mother Nature Science
The Leading Science Edutainment Provider for Children Ages 5-12
Becky Martin, writer