Metro Rod helps community garden grow
Sophie Cole, writer
Published at 22/08/2020, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 1 min
Metro Rod has made it easier for a community garden to grow with a simple new installation.
Stobhill Links, a charity based close to the Morpeth office, contacted Metro Rod earlier this year. It was running a community garden in the local area but was struggling to keep it watered. Until this point, volunteers had to bring water bottles along, which was wasting time and energy that could be spent working in the garden.
Metro Rod were tasked with installing a cold tap in the garden to make it easier for everyone to keep the plants watered. The drainage franchise wasted no time and sent out one of its experienced plumbers to talk to the charity about its requirements. Metro Rod realised the tap needed to be in a highly accessible place so that everyone could reach it.
Explaining why it was so keen to help this worthy local cause, Metro Rod said:
“Stobhill Link is a local charity that aims to help the community in numerous ways. They provide emergency food bank rations along with helping parents and carers with school uniforms and smart work clothes for people who have a job interview. They have a paint shed filled with amazing bits and bobs aiding the process of moving into a new home or doing up a room.
“The lockdown has been hard on everyone and Stobhill link have done everything and anything they can to help people in the area, from food shops to collecting prescriptions, they have a dedicated team of volunteers who help make all of this possible.”
A simple outside tap was soon fitted in the garden, meaning the volunteers are now able to water their plants quickly and easily. Metro Rod said it was delighted to complete such a worthwhile project.
“We are glad we were able to help Stobhill link on their mission to help others, and we’re grateful that \[this\] organisation spends its time making a positive impact on others’ lives.”

Metro Rod
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Sophie Cole, writer