Local Eats upgrades its ordering app
Alice Tuffery, writer
Published at 13/10/2020, Updated on 13/10/2020 , Reading time: 1 min
Local Eats has launched a new and improved app to provide a wider range of services for its customers.
The food delivery franchise has done its bit to support customers and help reduce the rate of coronavirus infection in restaurants and pubs. The business, which lets customers order dishes from a selection of local restaurants and food outlets, has upgraded its app. From this week onwards, people who use restaurants affiliated with the Local Eats delivery service will be able to take advantage of the app’s new ‘Order To Table’ feature.
So, customers who are visiting a Local Eats partner restaurant or food business can use the app to make their order, rather than relying on table service. This new facility should reduce the need to mix with staff and, in turn, decrease the businesses’ rates of infection.
During the pandemic, many food establishments have introduced a website or app allowing customers to view their menus on their phones to reduce the spread through physical materials. But Local Eats is making sure its affiliated restaurants can go one step further, completely cutting out the traditional ordering process.
The new app upgrade has proven incredibly popular and been welcomed by customers and businesses alike. Local Eats has quickly got to work making sure it can accommodate new partners keen to take advantage of the delivery service’s app feature. Now, it’s in the process of working through fresh lead requests and sales with a new, more efficient system.
If you’re interested in becoming a Local Eats franchisee, click on the link above to read about the opportunity on its profile page. If you’d like to become a partner through your food business, head to the franchise’s website to find out more about how you can get involved.

Local Eats
Run your own Just Eat Style food ordering service and earn up to £70,000 in your first year with your proven model and unbeatable technology!
Alice Tuffery, writer