Barking Mad hosts dog remembrance month
Sophie Cole, writer
Published at 28/08/2019, Updated on 07/10/2020 , Reading time: 2 min
Barking Mad is getting involved in annual ‘Dog Remembrance Month’ to raise awareness of how painful losing a pet can be.
Every pet lover knows how upsetting losing a dog can be, as they become a furry member of the family during their years in your home. However, many people aren’t aware of just how badly pet owners can be affected by the loss of a dog, with surveys showing that some have even turned to counselling or anti-depressants to get through.
That’s why Barking Mad is gearing up for the launch of its third annual Dog Remembrance Month, an event which aims to help grieving dog owners cope with their loss. The pet and dog franchise first launched the event in 2017, after witnessing how hard pet death can hit owners over its 19 years of operation. Managing Director, Rachel Stewart, explained why Barking Mad is hosting the remembrance month.
“We want to raise national awareness of the lack of understanding that many dogs are regarded as precious family members, leading to overwhelming grief being harmfully internalised by their owners. Bereaved dog lovers often feel that their pain will just be dismissed and so suffer in silence.”
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Barking Mad has created a Facebook support group (, which offers grieving pet owners a safe space to discuss their loss with others. Throughout September, discussions will be led by the franchise in the group on the topic of dog remembrance. The franchise has also shared stories of its hosts, who have been able to enjoy canine company once again after the loss of their pet.
Host Wendy Fearn lost her beloved dog Star and realised that she really missed walking dogs and the companionship they offer around the house but wasn’t ready to own another. She said:
“I didn’t know about Barking Mad until my last little dog died and then my daughter thought it might be a good idea – it’s lovely!”

Barking Mad
Barking Mad is not just a pet franchise, we are an organisation that aims to give the best treatment possible for your furry-family members.
Sophie Cole, writer