Avocado Show Franchise - Join The Avocado Craze
The Editorial Team , writer
Published at 08/01/2019, Updated on 04/05/2022 , Reading time: 4 min
There can be no denying that the avocado is the food of the moment. Whether it’s smashed on toast for breakfast, added to a light and healthy lunchtime salad, or blended into a nutritious smoothie, it’s likely to be on every menu you encounter in some form or another. Knowing this, the bright sparks behind the Avocado Show came up with an excellent idea – a restaurant franchise devoted entirely to the delicious avocado.
The Avocado Show
The Avocado Show is an Amsterdam-based restaurant that specialises in avocado-centric dishes that are healthy, nutritious, and beautiful. Whether it’s poke bowls, salads, burgers, pancakes, or desserts, the Avocado Show puts its favourite super-food front and centre and allows it to shine. With a diverse and exciting menu, the restaurant can attract and satisfy a wide array of customers, while its veggie and vegan options ensure that there is something available for all dietary requirements.
The Avocado Show restaurants themselves utilise a distinct aesthetic that embodies the natural healthiness of their main ingredient. Plant walls are a common feature of the design, with soft pastel colours regularly used for the furniture upholstery. Overall, the design is ideally suited to the relaxed, playful, and natural vibe that the franchisor is trying to achieve.
A brief history of the Avocado Show
Established in 2017, when their first restaurant launched in Amsterdam’s uber-trendy De Pijp neighbourhood, the Avocado Show has gone from strength to strength over the last year. Though it generated a great deal of attention locally, the brand has also had a significant impact internationally, with social media users from all over the world passing comment on how spectacular the food looks. Further Avocado Show restaurants have opened since the first, and the company is now looking to expand overseas into new markets.
The Avocado Show Amsterdam
The Avocado Show Amsterdam restaurant is the original birthplace of the Avocado Show experience and remains one of its most popular branches. It operates on a first come, first serve basis to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the menu and since opening it has been a cashless business. It tries to be as environmentally responsible as possible, so plastic straws have been done away with in favour of biodegradable corn straws to help minimise waste. The restaurant also features a cool merch wall where customers can buy t-shirts, cookbooks, and a range of other avocado-inspired goods.
Where else does the Avocado Show operate?
On top of the main Amsterdam location, the Avocado Show also has a boutique “café” elsewhere in the city and another restaurant in Brussels. However, the brand is looking to expand into other cities as quickly as possible. Likely locations for the next round of Avocado Show stores include London, Paris, Berlin, and Madrid.
What makes the Avocado Show special?
Besides jumping on the avocado bandwagon, the Avocado Show has a lot of other things going for it. In the world of social media (particularly Snapchat and Instagram), the Avocado Show has been extraordinarily successful. Its food is designed to be photographed, and this makes it very shareable and generates a massive online “buzz” in the process. The restaurant also benefits from being healthy and nutritious, ensuring that the brand also successfully captures the healthy eating market.
Sustainable and responsible business
In recent years, pressing concerns about the sustainability of the “avocado craze” have emerged. This has resulted in questions concerning the degree of responsibility each individual restaurant and business has to ensure that they are following ethical practices. Fortunately, the Avocado Show has demonstrated a commitment to responsible and sustainable farming and growing methods.
With avocados, there are two principal concerns. First and foremost is water usage. In certain parts of the world, it can take up to 1,200 litres of water to grow just one kilo of avocados. This isn't sustainable in the long term. However, the Avocado Show source all of their avocados from suppliers that operate in environments in which no additional watering (beyond rainfall) is required to grow the crop or those that have developed efficient new techniques to minimise water usage.
Second, the recent surge in avocado demand has resulted in large criminal organisations (particularly cartels in Mexico and other South American nations) becoming involved in the industry. This illegal participation has meant that the term "blood avocados" (referencing the blood diamonds that fuel conflicts in many African nations) has come into widespread usage. The Avocado Show ensures that all crop providers are legitimate growers and that it does not purchase any product from criminal organisations or those farmers associated with them.
How much investment is required to become a franchisee?
To become an Avocado Show franchisee, you will need to invest a minimum of £60,000. In the long run, investors will require working capital amounting to roughly £149,000, though this figure will vary depending on the restaurant’s location and size. £31,000 of this total is earmarked for the franchise fees. Anywhere up to 70% of the capital required can be borrowed from a major lender.
What do you get in return for your investment?
In return for your investment, you’ll get the rights to the Avocado Show brand and its trademarks. You’ll also enrol on a comprehensive training programme that starts at Avocado Show headquarters in Amsterdam and finishes at your business premises. This involves learning about the day-to-day operations, marketing, business management, and accountancy, amongst other topics. Following training, franchisees receive ongoing support and guidance. This is offered by an experienced franchisor team that has helped launch all of the company’s existing restaurants.
What kind of franchisee is the Avocado Show looking for?
To become an Avocado Show franchisee, you’ll need to have excellent team management skills, understand the intricacies of your local market, and be an able communicator. As well as developing these practical skills, you’ll also need to know how to have some fun and enjoy running a rewarding restaurant business.
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The Editorial Team , writer